Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research

27652 - ICT and Databases

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
27652 - ICT and Databases
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process designed for this subject is based on the use of active methodologies that require student participation, by proposing and solving exercises and problems, developing and presenting papers, etc. Moreover, in the practices at the computer lab, the student will work with the computer autonomously following the guidelines given by the teacher in order to develop the skills and abilities required by the subject.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that is offered to students to help them to achieve the expected results includes the following activities:

1     Theoretical classes, where the teacher will combine master sessions with the addition of active methodologies that encourage student participation and involvement in the development of the class.

2     Lessons in the computer lab, where the teacher will propose exercises about the different applications that the student must learn to handle.

5.3. Syllabus


1. Introduction.

1.1 The current Information Society.

1.2 Databases and Marketing. Requirements, objectives and strategic use.

2. Fundamentals of Databases.

2.1 Before databases. Data files.

2.2 Source of databases.

2.3 Defining database.

2.4 Characteristics of databases.

2.5 The DBMS (Database Management System Data).

2.6 Users of Databases.

2.7 Evolution of databases. Databases models.

3. Relational Databases.

3.1 The Relational Model. Features and advantages.

3.2 Fundamental concepts of relational databases.

3.3 Design Database. Standardization.

4. Information Systems.

4.1 Definition of Information Systems, Objectives.

4.2 Elements of Information Systems.

4.3 Systems government.

▪ Systems Security. Technical and organizational measures needed.

▪ Guarantee of privacy and confidentiality.

▪ Compliance with standards.

4.4 Quality, Audit and Certification.

4.5 Information Systems in Cloud Computing. Advantages and risks of cloud computing.

▪ Definition of Cloud Computing.

▪ Features.

▪ Strengths and weaknesses.

5. Other challenges in data processing.

5.1 Big Data.

5.2 Business intelligence.



1. Design, creation and updating of databases.

▪ Design and creation of tables.

▪ Relations between tables.

▪ Integrity constraints. Validation rules.

▪ Design for consultation of databases. Selection criteria. Ordination.

▪ Updates.

▪ Development of forms and reports.

▪ Advanced options.

2. Development of customized applications for databases management.

▪ Interface Design.

▪ Modular structure.

▪ Programming with wizard.

3.  WORK / PROJECT: Design and development of a database and an application for its management.

4. Use of the GanttProject tool for project planning.